The dinner was delicious (Daphne's with Cheesecake for dessert) and the speaker was good.
Bruce Marciano
He reminded me of Steve Carrell (did anyone else get that?).
A few notes from his talk... just bullet points.
- Learning to pray; turning from prayer being about me, to prayer being about God. About understanding who He is.
- Praying without righteousness, but a desperation that Jesus would reveal Himself to me.
- Jer 29:13: ..."when you seek me with all your heart."
- Very hard to do this in OC, surrounded by so much comfort
- People who visit poor countries as missionaries are often surprised by their happiness when they have so little.
- Something happens in the void of things.
- Ps 139:13 He formed us in our mother's womb.
- How does Jesus feel about us? He formed us! We are all His babies!
- He watches us in the hell of our own decisions. The destructiveness of our lives and says "Come to me!"
- Come to me what Jesus' heart cry, not a calm quiet statement.
- Every page of the Bible message simplified: "Come to me!"
- When we are asked to Describe Jesus we usually come up with big words: omniscient, all powerful, etc.
- When Jesus had opportunity to describe Himself, He said "I am gentle. I am humble of heart." He's not up on a throne waiting to throw lightening bolts at us every time we misstep.
- "Come to me and I will give you rest."
- Lord, Thank You for Your word!!
- A man's heart is reflected in His actions (and his actions). What is Jesus' heart?
- jesus gave Himself away.
- In every story we see Jesus giving Himself away.
- Think of all the people who wanted a piece of Him, His time, to be close to Him, the crowds, pawing at Him and He gave Himself to them.
- Jesus, will all this incredible power & He never used any of it for Himself.
- After feeding the 5000 Jesus had the disciples go and buy food for them to eat. Kind of funny really.
- "It is finished." Like saying "Dad, we did it!"
- Where would I be if Jesus hadn't sacrificed Himself for me? He was EAGER to sacrifice Himself for me! For the Joy set before Him.
I got this cool sash with everyone's name on it!
and we had our group picture taken...
It was a lovely night!
Thanks so much Mariners for being such a great church!!
i so love the picture of us!! it is so fun!!!
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