
So all the ideas that hit last night with our little brainstorming session on scrapbooking stuff.

I thought, as I went round with different ideas, maybe I should Google the idea first and see what others have come up with.

Here's what I got...

For less than $200... Scrap N Stow Table

Then, for a mere $2000 (plus shipping no doubt) I could have this little beauty...
It's name is even good... (but at $2000 a good name would be important, don't you think?)

Creation Station

OK... I'm now waaayyy off topic of something that an average sardine can dweller (I mean apartments dweller) can use... but... if this isn't a sort of Shangri La, I don't know what is. (Yes, I know, Jeanne... you're thinking a LIBRARY!)
I mean LOOK at that!!!

It's called A Scrapbook Studio

Now these people also have a wall mounted table... but heck... it's almost $500 and that storage table thing I first hit seems WAY better!!

So... we're not quite there. Aspects of our idea Karyn, but not quite...

In the NON scrap world... I found a few other ideas...

Ikea... and it's $50, but are the cubes big enough for my
12 x 12 paper?? hmmmm

Or the Container Store.
I'm not sure if this is torture or stimulating other ideas.

Sigh.... I'm going home now to have some "alone time" in my bathroom.

Hope you all had a good laugh with me!

